selera By Riffa

Saturday, September 29, 2012

You can't go wrong with AF Collector's Item

Every morning I wake to Benjamin Moore's AF 45 Collector's Item. I like it so much and it is so versatile that I plan to paint my guest room the same colour!  Of course, I will have different accents and the room will look different because of those choices. It is a beautiful colour to hang art work on, and if you are fair it makes your skin look beautiful! Not a bad thing when you have to look in the mirror every  morning. I can't think on an accent colour that would look terrible with  Collector's Item.  I choose a soft green with a secondary accent of grayed purple. There's a mix of silver and gold in the accessories and there's even a little pink and soft blue floating around.
 My mid centrury love is showing in all the furniture. I'm getting ready to upholster the  chair which has to just sit there because the space is so limited.  On the left is the ensuite door. .  This  geometric fabric left over from another job is my current like, but that could change next week.  I know I want something with a little pattern.

 I can't seem to re-gift my Tiffany lamp even thought it is slightly off in the room. Sentiment wins with me every time. I guess you've already figured out I don't have matching furniture.   It's the artist in me.  I love to take assorted items and make them work.

 The official description of Collector's Item  on the B Moore website as a "soft off-white hue with pink undertones" that "quietly supports a space like a pedestal supports a sculpture" is spot on.  Don't be thrown by the pink undertones in the description.  I like it because it doesn't have any  hints of yellow which is not complimentary for  someone with silver hair  and fair skin.   If you want to look good in the morning this is a the wall colour for you.

 I've  also seen  Collector's Item  used as a trim colour  with darker neutrals such as Ashley Gray or Taos Taupe (2111-40) as seen on the Benjamin Moore Site. 

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